Local Issues

11 Jul


Since 2014 the new boatyard and dry-stack have been completed and the pontoon replacement has been half completed with the final work scheduled for April 2020.

The new proposals involve not building the originally-permitted large pavilion building at the water’s edge and replacing it with two very significantly smaller buildings providing boat sales and marina facilities respectively as per the pictures.

Premier intends submitting a planning application in September. The residential planning permission remains but there are no current plans to build it.

06 Jul

A super day at Warsash Festival with so many people and organisations to visit and talk to

There were over 7,000 people in attendance on what was a glorious summer’s day. A very well done to the organisers and dozens of volunteers who gave so generously of their time. I look forward to learning of the good causes who will benefit.

Good to discuss with Warsash Neighbourhood Forum their aspirations for the Warsash Ward which Fareham Borough Council approved this week to move ahead to a neighbourhood plan. Susan Westcott and colleagues were on hand to explain.

The Friends of Fareham Community Hospital whose patron I am honoured to be have produced a useful guide to all the services which are available at Fareham Community Hospital. Jill Sadler was my guide.

05 Jul

The historic chapel of the famous Royal Victoria Hospital, at Hampshire County Council’s Royal Victoria Country Park, can now be experienced by a worldwide audience thanks to the launch of a new virtual tour.

I was delighted as the County Council’s Executive Member for Recreation and Heritage to launch the virtual tour. Our conservation and renovation of the Royal Victoria Chapel, with the support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has enabled thousands of visitors to access this unique, historic site on the Solent.

The new virtual tour – the first of its kind at our country parks – means that even those who cannot climb the steps of the tower can still enjoy the view through a Virtual Reality headset and soak up the stories the chapel holds as the last remaining part of what was once the world’s largest military hospital.

The introduction of the tour to an online audience also means that people from anywhere in the world can look around the building in 360 degrees, feeling as if they are actually there.

The amazing tour is here https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=EaCX9jS32p7 produced for us by https://360ify.com/