October 2014

27 October 2014

Lost Sons return to Fareham in World War photo exhibit

A moving collection of photographs of World War soldiers’ headstones and memorials will be on show throughout Remembrance Week in Fareham Shopping Centre.

The exhibit, titled ‘The Lost Sons of Fareham’ features the work of local photographer, Innes Marlow. Innes has spent the last year researching local servicemen who left their homes in Fareham during WWI but never returned.

His work took him to France and Belgium where he captured images of graves and of those who gave their lives for our freedom. Innes said “It’s difficult to comprehend how many were lost in the conflict, hopefully these photos remembering local men will highlight some of the stories behind the names, and men that those who acted with such bravery 100 years ago will still be remembered 100 years from now”.

Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward, Leader of Fareham Borough Council who commissioned the exhibit, has said: “We were aware of Innes’ work and thought it fitting to display the collection as part of the WW1 Centenary events that took place earlier this year. The Shopping Centre has kindly provided a large space so that we are able to re-display the work for Remembrance Week, giving residents another opportunity to see the exhibit and pay their respects”.

You can visit the exhibition for free in Fareham Shopping Centre, outside Debenhams, between 3 – 12 November, 2014.


17 October 2014

Runway improvement works to start

Works to improve the 1,300m runway at Daedalus, Fareham will be getting underway soon.The project, costing £1.5 million, has been funded by Fareham Borough Council and is scheduled to start on 20 October. The work will include resurfacing of the main runway, repairs to taxiways and the installation of ducting to enable the future provision of runway lighting. Contractors Raymond Brown will carry out the work, with Hampshire County Council overseeing it.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Councillor Seán Woodward, said: “These improvements will support an application for a commercial licence for the airfield. The licence will allow a greater variety of planes to use the airfield and encourage more businesses to join the already thriving aviation community at the site.”The improvements to the runway are part of a £8.3m package of investment by Fareham Borough Council at the Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus, with the aim of transforming it into a business destination, supported by the airfield and contributing towards the 3,500 new jobs target. Other elements include the construction of a business Innovation Centre and the development of new hangar space.

This investment package is supported by the Homes and Communities, which currently owns the airfield and the enterprise zone site, the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership and Hampshire County Council.

Kevin Bourner, HCA head of area, said: “These improvements form an important part of our work with partners to improve the offer for businesses here who want to use the airfield or locate or grow on the Solent Enterprise Zone.

“Visitors can see that things are happening at the site, and this work will help to underpin the airfield as a key feature of the enterprise zone.”

Work on the runway will start on 20 October and take around 6 weeks. The airfield will remain open for the duration of the work with the exception of weekdays between 17thand 30th November.

Airfield users who wish to find out more about the changes should contact the operators on 023 9255 1015/023 9255 1714


16 October 2014

Flood prevention works in Wallington

Work to improve flood defences in Wallington begins on Monday thanks to £70,000 in funding from Fareham Borough Council and The Environment Agency.After last year’s wet weather, the Council consulted with The East Solent Coastal Partnership. They identified suitable repairs to the banks of the River Wallington, opposite the White Horse Public House, which could help prevent further incidents of flooding.Throughout the duration of the flood defence work, from Monday 20 October and lasting until Friday 28 November 2014, part of the footpath and a section of Broadcut public car park will be closed.

The works will be carried out by Balfour Beatty and the public are asked to take extra care when using the footbridge across the river as equipment will be operating in the area.

Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward, has said “We recognise the importance of these works, to preserve the landscape and reduce disruption to local people caused by the river breaking its banks.”


13 October 2014

Nominate your local heroes

Fareham Borough Council is looking for nominations for inspirational youngsters and adults for the Citizen of Honour and Young Citizen of the Year Awards 2015.

There are 3 different categories for nomination including:

  • Young Citizen of the Year, 4-11 years – For someone who has showed outstanding bravery, carried out regular selfless acts, adapted to a disability or coped with personal difficulties etc.
  • Young Citizen of the Year, 12-17 years – For someone who gives an unpaid/voluntary service to the community such as carers, sports club leaders, helping the elderly/disabled, visiting people in hospital etc.
  • Citizen of Honour, 18+ years – For someone who gives an unpaid/voluntary service to the community such as carers, sports club leaders, helping the elderly/disabled, visiting people in hospital etc.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward said: “These awards are the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate the unsung heroes of the Borough. It recognises those who have made a real difference to their community and I would encourage anyone who may know a local hero to nominate them for this worthy award.”

Winners will receive invitations to:

  • The Mayor Making ceremony in May with 2 guests, to receive their award badges from the outgoing Mayor.
  • A reception with the new Mayor to receive Citizen of Honour certificates
  • The Mayor’s Civic Service and Remembrance Day Services.
  • A family ticket for the Gala Performance of the Pantomime held at Ferneham Hall
  • The closing date for nominations is 30 January 2015. Those who are nominated must be a resident of Fareham and if you are nominating someone, you can’t be a family member.

For more information and to nominate please visit www.fareham.gov.uk/citizenawards or contact the Communications Team on 01329 824409.


9 October 2014

Transport scheme will ease Fareham traffic pain

A multi-million pound series of measures to improve traffic in and around Fareham should ease congestion throughout the whole of the borough and the Gosport peninsula.

Seven schemes are either in progress or on the drawing board for completion whether there is approval for the Welborne scheme or not.

Among the measures in progress or recently completed are:

  • A gate to enable buses travelling west out of Fareham town centre to access the A27 without using the Quay Street roundabout, and new traffic signals for Western Way.
  • Removal of bus lane in Western Way onto its own running surface
  • Major improvements to the northern end of Newgate Lane to improve capacity and junction lay outs.
  • Station roundabout and Gudge Heath Lane junction with A27.
  • Improvements to access to the Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus.

Other schemes in the pipeline include:

  • A by-pass for Stubbington.
  • Improvements to the St Margaret’s roundabout on the A27 at Titchfield.
  • Changes to the southern end of Newgate Lane and improvements to the Peel Common roundabout.

More major schemes would be brought forward if the development at Welborne went ahead – including a new Junction 10 of the M27.

Fareham Borough Council Executive Leader and Hampshire County Council Executive Member for Transport, Conservative Seán Woodward said that the Borough, like many others across the country, had problems at peak times with traffic.

That would only get worse as new housing development schemes came on line – whether at Welborne or, if Welborne did not go ahead, at many other sites throughout Fareham – unless these projects were carried out.

So the transport infrastructure for Fareham and the whole of the Gosport peninsula has been a priority. That is why we have all these schemes in progress now.

If Welborne goes ahead that will present different challenges – some of the traffic issues will be more concentrated rather than dispersed. That is why we are insisting that the required infrastructure improvements are identified and funded for the area before it can go ahead.

“This is one of the key areas that the Inspector at the Welborne examination in public, starting next week, will be looking at.”