Local Issues

10 Oct

A fascinating visit to Exxon Fawley oil refinery to meet Refinery Manager Simon Downing.

 Fawley is the UK’s largest refinery. Situated on Southampton Water, it has a mile-long marine terminal that handles around 2,000 ship movements and 22 million tonnes of crude oil and other products every year. The refinery processes around 270,000 barrels of crude oil a day and provides 20 per cent of UK refinery capacity.

I was interested to hear about the project to create a new £800m diesel plant. Exxon is to build a hydrogen-generating plant, an automotive diesel oil production facility and diesel storage tank enabling the production of ultra low sulphur diesel. The aviation fuel pipeline to Heathrow is also being replaced.

06 Oct

Sarisbury Conservatives’ car treasure hunt.

A real enjoyment on a sunny Sunday afternoon to enjoy our beautiful towns, villages and countryside on the Sarisbury Conservatives’ car treasure hunt. A very well done to Mark, Julie and Denise who were our intrepid winners and to everyone who made the event so much fun.

Enjoyed the hospitality of the Ship and Shovel in Warsash at the end of the day.