Local Issues

20 Jul

A very lively and well-attended Western Wards Community Action Team meeting this week at Brookfield School

Many questions on policing, public safety and anti-social behaviour following the police presentation.

Plenty of questions and comments on the Issues and Options consultation leading to the new Fareham Borough Local Plan. Natural concerns shared by every one of us in the room about the excessive housing figures we are being told to take by government.

I pledge to tackle the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson on the housing numbers matter immediately he is appointed. These sorts of numbers would undoubtedly be character-changing for our area.


20 Jul

Portchester Bowling Club

I was pleased to be invited to visit Portchester Bowling Club this week with Councillor Nick Walker to hear about their £140,000 plans for extending their club house to be able to accommodate their increasing membership. What a beautiful setting.

Thank you to Phil Harding, Ken Gibbs and Brenda Webb for showing me around and explaining the project. Also good luck with Fareham In Bloom!