Local Issues

20 Jul

Refurbished planetarium at Winchester Science Centre (InTech)

I was delighted to be invited to the opening of the refurbished planetarium at Winchester Science Centre (InTech) and to join Chief Executive Officer Ben Ward. A grant to improve the Centre of £50,000 has been given by Hampshire County Council.

Since opening in 2008, over 1 million people, mostly children, have visited the planetarium for its immersive 360° experience and virtual tour through space. That experience is now further enhanced with this upgrade.

20 Jul

An amazing visit to Hampshire County Council’s Queen Elizabeth Country Park and Butser Hill to see the £3.5m improvements being made to the park including a fantastic set of enhancements to the visitor centre which will be completed by September.

Good to be shown around by Head of Countryside, Jo Heath and Rebecca Galbraith who is the architect for the project.

Then up to the top of Butser Hill to meet many of our countryside rangers and visitors from Natural England who are putting together management guidelines for National Nature Reserves. There are 10 of these in Hampshire, 5 of which are run by Hampshire County Council including Titchfield Haven.

19 Jul


The results of the referendum held in the Borough of Fareham about adopting a Titchfield Neighbourhood Plan are in.

Residents were asked to vote YES or NO to the question: ‘Do you want Fareham Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Titchfield to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

The result was 241 (40%) voted YES and 363 (60%) voted NO.

As less than 50 per cent voted YES the Neighbourhood Plan will not be made part of the statutory Local Plan for the Fareham Borough. That is an end to the matter and the only way it could be reconsidered is if the Titchfield Neighbourhood Forum wanted to start again and produce a new neighbourhood plan.

The turnout for the referendum was 31%.