Local Issues

01 May

CEMAST (Centre of Excellence in Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training) at Solent Airport celebrated its 5th birthday

CEMAST (Centre of Excellence in Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training) at Solent Airport celebrated its 5th birthday . I was pleased to join new Principal, Andrew Kaye along with staff and students plus Mayor Susan Bayford for the event.

Eighty student projects were on display showing the huge breadth of engineering expertise in the college supported by apprenticeship sponsors which will ensure the very best of opportunities are available to students at this Fareham college.

Grant Soden gave me a fascinating explanation of his train bogie stability project.

01 May

Friends of Fareham Community Hospital’s cake sale

A pleasure as a Patron to attend the Friends of Fareham Community Hospital’s cake sale.  Thank you so much to Sue Westcott for organising and to Jocelyn Jones for hosting it in her lovely home and gardens.

Good to see the Mayor, Susan Bayford and her Consort, Brian (also a Patron) in attendance along with so many of the Friends (pictured).

The fantastic sum of £531 was raised for the hospital. Well done to all concerned

27 Apr

Sarisbury Junior School Classics and Supercar Show.

In aid of a very fitting and amazing tribute to Summer Page who tragically passed away at just 9 years of age from a rare brain tumour known as DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma).

A Fairy Tree and garden will be provided on Fareham Borough Council land near Coldeast Close and the school. The extremely talented Chris Bain (chainsaw sculptor who designed the fairy tree at Royal Victoria Country Park) has been commissioned to carve something that is in all essence totally Summer. Bognor Men’s Shed has made the designs of Summer’s friends’ fairy doors come to life.

I was pleased to start the fundraising with a £750 grant from Hampshire County Council and have no doubt all the remaining costs will be quickly raised. It was inspiring to meet Summer’s mum and dad, Samantha and Phil Page to discuss the project.