Local Issues

14 Apr


It was a pleasure today to be able to play a part in the opening at Royal Victoria Country Park of this amazing Chris Bain chainsaw carving of a 250 year old cedar which sadly needed to be felled.

The owls, dragons, princesses, castle, etc will bring pleasure for generations to come and I applaud Fairways Care trustees for providing the funding for the work.




05 Apr

Fordingbridge library

Good to meet County Councillor Edward Heron at Fordingbridge library this week. A well stocked and busy library with helpful staff.

05 Apr


An interesting afternoon this week showing Kimberley Barber, The News business reporter, around Solent Airport@Daedalus for their April magazine. We were able to showcase the control tower refurbishment, the fuel farm, the new hangars and Fareham Innovation Centre along with the Bridge Conference Suite at Merlin House. Also of interest is progress on National Grid’s £500,000,000 project to keep the lights on next year and Daedalus Common public open space.