Fareham Borough Council has today made its first ever decision using online technology. The ‘virtual’ decision was taken as part of a meeting held using Microsoft Teams to consider the Council’s recommendation to write off £130,000 of irrecoverable debt.

The Council’s philosophy in these challenging times is for democratically elected Members to continue to be involved in the decision-making process as much as possible rather than relying on officers to take decisions using emergency powers.

Today was a first for the Council. As Executive Member for Policy and Resources I agreed with the Officer’s recommendation to write off a significant amount of debt as there is no further legal action that can be taken to collect it. This decision will help the Council to maintain accurate and healthy budgets, something which is even more important than usual in the current climate.

Pictured with me are Leigh Usher, Head of Democratic Service, Mel Bettley, Committee Clerk and Andy Wannell, Director of Finance and Resources.

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