Huge investment brings Superfast Broadband step closer for Whiteley

MILLIONS of pounds are being invested by Hampshire County Council to bring Superfast Broadband to areas which BT considers unviable and which are not served by cable. Contracts are being negotiated to make live several cabinets, including Whiteley, and the County Council has a website http://www.hampshiresuperfastbroadband. com/ where people can check by postcode whether their cabinet is included either this year or next. Several residents have formed an interest group with a Facebook page ‘Whiteley Broadband’ . County Councillor Seán Woodward has invited them to meet him and leading members of the Council’s team responsible for the contracts in March to discuss ways of getting the best solution for Whiteley. He said: “Not only are we investing in upgrades which are not commercially viable, but we have also made money available with the possible use for match-funding communities where residents judge, perhaps for business reasons, that they would wish to contribute something to have their own cabinet upgraded when it falls outside even the two intervention contracts proposed by the County Council.”

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