Local Issues

23 Oct

Community Speedwatch scheme

I am able to provide funding to set up the scheme. The police don’t fund the initial costs of the equipment but will cover the costs for vetting, training and the support for back office work such as holding the database, doing the checks, sending out the letters and analysing the data.

The initial cost can be up to £3,000 which will secure the equipment to monitor speed, high visibility clothing for health and safety purposes and signs. I will be able to provide a grant for that.

I ask that anyone interested in learning more and possibly becoming a volunteer should contact me at sean.woodward@hants.gov.uk following which I can provide an application form. This is a really valuable community project and does help slow traffic on our roads. The time spent is up to the group and may vary from a few hours a week to a few hours a month for each volunteer.19

16 Oct

Welborne received planning consent

Welbourne received planning consent today. It will provide 6,000 homes and nearly 6,000 jobs for Fareham plus 3 primary schools, a secondary school, a new motorway junction, shopping, community and health facilities and masses of public open space. It delivers on my long-standing pledge that not a brick will be laid until all of the required infrastructure is identified and funded.

15 Oct

Very well attended Fareham Borough Council Community Action Team meeting at Fareham’s Ferneham Hall

Nearly 200 residents to discuss Fareham StreetAid and its multi-agency work to help rough sleepers live off the streets.

Thanks to Cllr Tom Davies – In Touch with Fareham East & Wallington for chairing and Trevor Cartwright for explaining donor card so people can give money to homeless charities to help. Also to Chief Inspector Mark Lewis for joining me for questions from residents.

The Council will shortly be recruiting security patrols accredited by Chief Constable and Council to help stop begging, drug and alcohol abuse and anti-social behaviour in the town centre.