Plans for a new garden waste collection service which will allow residents to easily dispose of a lot more green waste will be considered at a Council meeting next Thursday.
In the first year the cost of the proposed service would be as little as £1.48 per week (using an early bird bin discount). This includes a one-off cost to purchase a new bin. In subsequent years the cost would reduce to £1.15 per week.
Residents who subscribe to the new service would have a 240 litre wheelie bin for garden waste to be emptied once every two weeks. The capacity of the bin is around three times greater than the current garden waste sacks while being much easier to manoeuvre. Households would have the option to share a bin and the cost with other residents if they preferred or even to purchase extra bins.
As part of the plan, the current free garden waste sack collection service would end once the new service is in place. The use of plastic disposable garden waste sacks would also end which will help achieve the Council’s aim of ending the use of single use plastics in the Borough.
Apart from Winchester (which has now also decided to introduce a charge), Fareham is the only Hampshire council where residents don’t pay extra for garden waste collection. The proposals also ensure the Council is aligned to the Government’s National Resources and Waste Strategy.
We understand some residents may be disappointed to lose the free garden waste service however, as we face both the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the ongoing need to replace other lost income we have had to look at new ways to bring in revenue to protect our residents’ vital services.
Garden waste collection currently costs the Council £336,000 per year and a recent decision by Hampshire County Council means that the Council will no longer benefit from the recovery of costs for material recycling, as this income, approximately £400,000, will be retained by the County Council.
I think the proposed new subscription service offers a good deal for gardeners and is the fairest option because only those using the service would be asked to pay. Subscribers will have the added benefit of being able to dispose of a lot more than they can using the canvas garden waste sacks. For those not wanting to pay there is the alternative of using the local free Household Waste Recycling Centre or buying a composter which is available for £19 from Hampshire County Council.”
The Streetscene Scrutiny Panel will meet to discuss the plans on September 24th. The proposals will then go before the Council’s Executive Committee for a decision on October 12th. Item 6 on this agenda refers…
Cost breakdown: £60 a year + £34 one off bin purchase charge (£17 with the first-year early bird discount).
The Council is currently receiving a lot of calls from residents requesting to join the new garden waste collection service.
I would like to stress that this is only a proposal at this stage and it is yet to be agreed by the Council. We will be discussing the matter at a meeting of the Executive Committee on October 12th. If the proposal is agreed, it is likely the new service would open for registration towards the end of next year. I will keep you posted as things progress.