I was pleased to attend the initial training by
Hampshire Constabulary

Special Inspector Simon Tavender and Katie Strange at Burridge Scout Hut where the team members were able to familiarise themselves with the rules of the scheme and the equipment for which I allocated a £3,500 grant from my

Hampshire County Council

Members’ devolved grant scheme.

Community Speedwatch enables members of the community to become police support volunteers and take action against speeding on roads of concern within their area. I have recommended that particular attention is paid to the following roads which have all been approved for action:
Botley Road
Barnes Lane
Brook Lane
Sweethills Crescent
Swanwick Lane
Yew Tree Drive
Barnbrook Road
Volunteers use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic and then record the details, later adding them to a database. Vehicle checks are then undertaken by the police and letters are then sent to the registered keepers advising them of their speed and reminding them of why it is a community concern. Repeat offenders receive a police visit.
Community SpeedWatch is an educational scheme, not enforcement. It is considered as the first tier response to speeding issues. If a problem persists, it can be escalated to tier two, meaning that enforcement can be undertaken by the police neighbourhood policing teams.
I am very grateful to all of the volunteers who care about road safety in their local community and especially to Stuart Kimber who will be the Sarisbury Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator. The team will be happy to have more volunteers.
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor, text that says "YOUR SPEED"

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