Fareham Borough Council has approved over £820,000 in grant payments to small local businesses to help them through the pandemic.
The cash has been allocated from the Local Authority Discretionary Business Grant scheme. The scheme gave businesses which had not qualified for any other Government support, the opportunity to apply for a share of a £1m pot.
Over 100 grants have been paid of up to £10,000
Types of business which have been helped include small manufacturing firms, businesses located in share offices, dentists, a podiatrist and a nail bar.
We know this has been a very challenging time for local businesses, so I’m pleased that we have been able to process applications for this funding so quickly. This funding will be a lifeline for businesses which had slipped through the net for other forms of Government support during the pandemic.
The businesses to benefit are linked here. Limited companies names are available to be released whereas individuals’ names need to be redacted unless they give their consent including all the market traders who have each received £2,500

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