I am pleased to announce this application to destroy ancient woodland was today refused by
Fareham Borough Council

for the following reasons:

a) the development would result in the loss of priority habitat, for which insufficient justification has been provided. The loss of priority habitat, comprising a complex ecosystem of ground flora, woodland fauna and soils would be substantially altered by the proposal, and the proposed mitigation measures are not sufficient to compensate for loss of habitat or achieving a net gain in biodiversity.
b) the development would have an unknown level of impact on protected species within the woodland environment, namely foraging/commuting bats and dormice. These species are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), and insufficient information has been provided within the application to demonstrate that they would not be harmed by the development proposal.

The right way to increase medical provision for the North if Whiteley development is to build a new surgery. Squeezing a quart into a pint pot is not the right approach.

Winchester City Council

should have insisted on extra medical provision.

There are ways to improve the layout and capacity of the existing car park which the surgery owners have consistently refused to address such as having a dedicated IN and OUT. We remain keen to work with them to improve matters.